Pest Control Dublin - pest solutions Dublin

Effective Ant Control Dublin

Ant infestations can be a common and persistent problem for homeowners and businesses in Dublin. At Pest Solutions Dublin, we specialise in providing targeted ant control treatments to eliminate infestations and prevent future occurrences. Our expert technicians are trained to identify the specific ant species invading your property and implement the most effective treatment methods to ensure complete eradication. Contact us at 0851348966 today for effective ant control and let us help you make your home or business ant-free! We working throughout Dublin, Meath Kildare, Wicklow. As proud members of the National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA), we are dedicated to delivering effective solutions tailored to your pest control.

ant control Dublin

Common Ant Species in Ireland

Black Garden Ant (Lasius niger)

Black Garden Ants are one of the most common ant species in Ireland. They are typically black or dark brown in colour and are often found in gardens, lawns, and around buildings.
Black Garden Ants are omnivorous and are attracted to sweet foods, plants, and aphids.

Pharaoh’s Ant (Monomorium pharaonis)

Pharaoh’s Ants are small, yellow ants that are often found in homes, hospitals, and commercial buildings. They are notorious for establishing large colonies and can be difficult to eradicate.
Pharaoh’s Ants prefer warm, humid environments and are attracted to sweet and greasy foods.

Red Ant (Myrmica rubra)

Red Ants are reddish-brown in colour and are commonly found in gardens, woodlands, and open areas. They are known for their aggressive behaviour and painful stings.
Red Ants are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods, including insects and plant matter.

Our Ant Control Process

ant control dublin

Inspection and Identification, is the for step for a ant control programme.

Our first step is to conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify the ant species and determine the extent of the infestation.

Customised Ant Control Plan

Based on our findings, we develop a customised ant control plan tailored to your specific situation and the type of ant species present.

Implementation of Treatment

We use a combination of baiting, spraying, and dusting methods to effectively eliminate ants and their colonies.

Follow-Up and Monitoring

After the initial treatment, we schedule follow-up visits to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and make any necessary adjustments to ensure complete eradication.


Unlike wasp or bee nests, ant colonies consist of numerous chambers designed for specific functions like storing food, eggs, larvae, and housing the queen. These chambers are interconnected by small tunnels constructed by worker ants.

In contrast to wasps, where all workers forage for food, ants only release a percentage of their workers for these tasks. The rest of the colony stays underground, managing the nest, caring for eggs and larvae, and ensuring the queen’s well-being.

Commercial ant powders, typically containing Permethrin or Bendiocarb, can effectively eliminate visible ants in your home for a few days. However, the challenge arises when the remaining colony, situated below ground, quickly rebuilds its numbers and only sends out more workers after about two weeks, leading to a recurring cycle.


Ants, as they traverse surfaces, can spread dirt and bacteria, posing hygiene concerns, particularly in kitchen areas. Flying ant days, occurring over 2-3 summer days, can be distressing as winged ants leave their nests to mate and start new colonies, sometimes infiltrating homes.


For effective ant control, it’s crucial to deliver insecticide into the nest and address the queen. Liquid insecticides can flood nest chambers, providing an immediate solution. In cases where the nest is elusive, liquid gel baits are employed. Worker ants feed on the gel, leaving a pheromone trail for others to follow, ultimately leading to colony eradication within 10-21 days.

Refrain from using ant powder before professional intervention. This ensures effective identification of nest access points and facilitates efficient liquid or gel treatments.
Early intervention, ideally in the spring, when ant nest populations are smaller, increases the likelihood of successful eradication. Gel baits are particularly effective in feeding the queen and reducing the number of chambers.


For ant nests under paving, sealing entrance holes post-treatment significantly reduces the chance of reinfestation. Pest Solutions Dublin is committed to not only resolving current issues but also minimising the chances of recurrence.


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